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Roof Cleaning



One of the most expensive things you can do in taking care of your home is roof repair or replacement. Most roofers won't tell you, but proper maintenance in the NW saves you thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs.


We have several roof cleaning options to choose from that removes the most stubborn of debris.

Green-environmental  friendly treatments, fully trained professionals.

Roof Care Protects and Adds Life to Your Roof.​

Controlling Moss on Roofs:

Moss formation on roofs is a growing problem. Many homes have cedar shake or shingle roofs, which are more prone to moss growth than asphalt or fiberglass shingle roofs. More people are seeking privacy by hiding their homes among the trees. Leaves or needles left on the roof from overhanging or nearby trees will retain moisture and cause moss formation. Roofs should be cleaned off periodically to stall the efforts of mold and moss growth. Removing foreign matter from the spaces (key-ways) between the individual shingles is especially important. Our experienced-senior technicians know what tools to use to avoid damage to the shingles.



Stop the damage that roof staining organisms are doing to your roof. 

These organisms, specifically algae, lichens, and moss are feeding off the organic material in your shingles. In other words, your shingles are their food source. The longer they are allowed to stay and feast off your shingles, the more damage they will cause. 

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Following are DIY suggestions to control moss, algae and lichens on roofs ~ Or give us a call today!

  • Scrape away as much moss as possible.

  • Be careful with the tools, as they can damage your roof as well as remove the moss.

  • Keep all organic debris such as leaves and branches off of your roof, deck or patio.

  • Remove branches that overhang your roof and decks to allow direct sunlight and good aeration to reach your roof. 

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